Good oral health is as important as caring for any other body part. However, most people rarely visit a dental clinic, even for the most obvious signs of a problem. This results in bigger and more complicated issues that may cause you to lose teeth and spend more money on treatment. Having regular dentist appointments helps to deal with problems at an early stage and also ensures you have excellent general dental health. This piece discusses some common signs of oral health problems that require a dental checkup before they result in much bigger complications.

Persistent Toothache

A persistent toothache is the most obvious sign that your dental health is not okay. It results in discomfort and problems chewing and eating food. However, most people fail to visit a dentist for toothaches and rely on over-the-counter painkillers, hoping the pain will disappear. This is risky because a recurring toothache is a sign of underlying issues such as a broken tooth, a cavity, an abscess, or a damaged filling. It can also mean you grind your teeth. Going in for a checkup saves you from spending money on painkillers. 

Loose or Shifting Teeth 

It's always expected for teeth to shift during a person's early development and teenage years but to stop when they fully develop. However, it's also possible for you to have loose or shifting teeth when you're an adult, and it's a sign that you need to see a dentist. Several factors, including periodontal disease, teeth grinding, jawbone changes, and lip aging, cause loose and shifting teeth. Dentists help find the main cause of loose or shifting teeth in adults and develop a viable solution. For example, if the issue is grinding your teeth while asleep, they may recommend medical mouthguards to solve the problem. 

Gum Problems

Oral health also involves caring for your gums as you do your teeth. Several signs indicate problems with your gums, and you should visit a dentist to know the root cause. Common examples include bleeding when brushing, swollen and puffy texture, pus, and bad odor on your gums. The primary cause of gum problems is a periodontitis infection. Visit a dentist as soon as you notice any sign of gum disease to better your chances of dealing with the problem and reversing its effects. 

Take Away

Persistent toothache, loose or shifting teeth, and gum problems are just a few of the many oral problems that require an appointment with the dentist. Others include a constantly dry mouth, snoring, sleep apnea, increased sensitivity to hot and cold beverages, changes in the color and texture of your mouth and teeth, etc. You should regularly visit a dentist to know the exact cause of the problem and catch any problem as it develops for effective and timely treatment.

Contact a local dentist to learn more. 
