Having missing or broken teeth can really make you feel self-conscious. You don't like to smile, you don't want anyone to look at you, and you even have a hard time eating. You can talk to your dentist to see what they recommend. One thing that they recommend can be dental implants. 

Dental Implants

These actually consist of two parts. The implants consist of the post that is inserted into your jaw, into the socket where the tooth was. Then there is the tooth, bridge, or denture that is attached to the implant's post. 


The posts are usually made out of some kind of metal, although occasionally the posts may be made out of dental ceramic. The most commonly used metal is titanium. That's because titanium is very strong and durable, while still being lightweight. Titanium also has the added benefit of being body compatible. That means that there shouldn't be any negative reactions to it like there may be with other metals. Because titanium is body compatible, it is easier for the jaw bone to bond with it and to completely integrate it, making it part of your jaw. 


Once the implant post has healed up, you and your dentist can talk about all the options that you have. There are some things that will limit your options, including how many teeth are being replaced. One option is to just have a fake tooth inserted on the post. The tooth will be dyed and shaped so that it looks just like your own natural tooth. No one will know that it isn't your tooth unless you tell them. The tooth should last the rest of your life, as long as you take care of the rest of your oral health. Your dentist can also use the post to anchor a bridge into your mouth. This can be a good solution if you are missing a few teeth right next to each other. If you need full replacements, you can talk to your doctor about getting full dentures that are attached to your implant posts. If the dentist installed a bridge or a denture, they will be permanently installed in your mouth, anchored, and secured to the posts. You will need to make sure to take care of your gums to keep your mouth healthy. 

If you are missing teeth, you have options open to you. Talk to your dentist about getting dental implants; they can be a really good solution for you. 
