Have you decided to get dental veneers placed on your teeth to hide some cosmetic issues you are not too happy with? If so, you'll likely want to know how to care for your dental veneers after you have them installed.

Brush Regularly

Even though you have a protective shell on the front part of your teeth, there are still places where the veneers meet the tooth where decay can happen. If you do end up with dental decay, it could cause the veneer to become dislodged or have to be removed to fill a cavity. In a worst case scenario, your tooth ends up needing a crown and you have to replace the veneer entirely.

Avoid Toothpaste That Are Abrasive

While dental veneers are designed to be pretty durable, it's a good idea to switch to a toothpaste that is not abrasive. While toothpaste with activated charcoal is really bad, consider staying away from those that use baking soda as well. This will help avoid causing accidental damage to your veneers from brushing. 

Do Not Use Your Teeth As A Tool

Everyone has used their teeth as a tool at one point or another. It may be trying to rip open a package, or to hold something in your mouth. This is not a good idea when you have dental veneers. The veneers are not going to be as hard as the enamel on your teeth, and while it may have been fine in the past, know that it can now damage your veneers by accident. 

Use A Mouthguard During Contact Sports

The purpose of a mouthguard is to give your teeth some added protection when they can become damaged. This is most important when playing a contact sport where you could get hit in the mouth unexpectedly. The mouthguard now only provides protection for your natural teeth, but for your veneers as well.

Use A Nightguard To Prevent Grinding

If you have a history of grinding your teeth while you are sleeping, know that a nightguard can help prevent your teeth from grinding at a time where you cannot control it. A dentist can custom make a nightguard to fit your mouth so that it is as comfortable as possible and you are encouraged to use it. 

Stop Smoking

Have a habit of smoking cigarettes? Know that smoking can cause your veneers to become stained. They may not stain at the same rate as your natural teeth either, causing your teeth to look a bit mismatched and yellow over time. 

Contact a local dentist to learn more care tips for dental veneers.
