According to The American Dental Association, adults and children should have their teeth cleaned every six months by their dentist. But, a lot of people either forget to get their teeth cleaned or they're too nervous to get it done so they just skip it altogether. If you can't remember the last time that you got your teeth cleaned at a dental clinic, you are doing your mouth a serious disservice. To help you feel more confident about getting your teeth cleaned, this article will go over three things that you can expect from your visit. Are you ready to learn more? If so, read on. 

1. X-Rays

Since you haven't been to the dentist for quite some time, your dentist will probably have x-rays ordered. X-rays are great because they allow your dentist to see the bones in your mouth to check for things like extreme decay, cavities, or any other sorts of issues with the bone. Plus, because they're fast and pain-free, they really aren't anything for you to worry about. 

2. Exam

The next thing that your dentist will do is examine your teeth to check for things like cavities, gum disease, oral cancer, or any other potential problems with your mouth. If you have had any pain or discomfort in your mouth, this is the perfect opportunity for you to address it with them so that they can get you some treatment. 

3. Cleaning

The last step of the process is the dental cleaning, and this is usually a little bit uncomfortable and even painful. During the cleaning, your dentist will scrape off any plaque and tartar buildup along the gum line so that you don't get gum disease. Additionally, they will get in between all of your teeth so that they are as clean as possible. After they have cleaned your teeth, they will then polish them with a fluoride treatment. Fluoride is an all-natural way to strengthen your tooth's' enamel from cavities and decay. 

When you do start getting regular dental cleanings done every six months, they won't take as long, and they won't be quite as painful either. To learn a little bit more about dental cleanings or to schedule your next appointment, reach out to your dental clinic today. And, make sure that they accept your dental insurance or that they have a payment plan that they can work out with you so that you don't have to worry about it being too expensive. 
