It seems many people have a fear of going to the dentist more than most other medical professionals. This can be especially true for children. As a parent, you want to provide the most comfortable dental visits as possible for your children. One of the best ways to do this is to take them to a pediatric dentist. This professional has done extra training to specialize in working with young children. In addition, they know that every patient they see is going to be a child and have become accustomed to this. Now all you have to do is find the right one for your family. Here are some tips to help you do just that.

Wide Range of Services

While it might seem like you are anticipating your child not having good dental hygiene, you want to be sure that the pediatric dentist you choose will be able the one to take care of most, if not all, of your child's dental health needs. The more they can do, the less likely you will have to be referred elsewhere. Ask about things like root canals, fillings, periodontal work, and even braces. You may not be able to find one who does it all, but the more they can do, the better. You don't want to have your child get used to one dentist and then have to take them elsewhere and have them upset again.


Find out what extra activities, toys, or games the office has to entertain and distract your child. Many pediatric dental offices have DVD players hooked up in each room. Your child can pick a movie they want to watch while having their teeth worked on. This type of thing makes the patients more comfortable so they sit calmly and the work can be done much faster. There should also be games and such in the waiting room so kids don't get bored and start to think about what is going to happen to them in the dental chair.

Of course, you need to discuss how the dentist feels about filling baby teeth, the type of anesthetic or pain medication they use, and any special needs your child may have such as ADHD, autism, or other medical issues that could affect dental health or how the child behaves. You need to be as comfortable with the office personnel and the dentist as your child does.

For more information, reach out to a pediatric dental clinic such as Youth Dental & Vision.
