Summer is all about fun, friends, and family. It is the time of year that most families go on vacation. However, just because you are going on holiday, it doesn't mean that you can forgo your normal dental hygiene routine. You still need to practice good brushing and flossing habits, and you need to make sure that your children do as well. Here are three tips to ensure that you and your children stay on top of your oral health while on vacation.

Tip #1: Pack Healthy Snack Alternatives

No matter where your vacation destination is you will find that tourist attractions have various beverages and snacks that can be purchased. Unfortunately, not only are these beverages and snacks way over-priced, but they are full of sugar. It is difficult to find a station that has tooth-friendly options available for purchase.

Therefore, it is a good idea to pack a bag of healthy alternatives before you leave the hotel for the day. Some good options include raisins, fruit and vegetables, and cheese. Then, of course, you have water, coconut water, 100 percent fruit juice, and sports drinks.

When packing the bag, make sure that you pack enough for the entire family. After all, it wouldn't be fair for you to purchase from the sugary snack bar if the kids can't have those same snacks or beverages. So, make sure that you are being a good role model when it comes to oral hygiene.

Tip #2: Pack a Portable Dental Kit

Some vacation destinations make it a tad bit more difficult to stay on top of your oral hygiene routine. For example, if you are camping in the woods, it will be more difficult to brush your teeth than it would be if you were staying in a luxurious hotel by the beach.

This is where a portable dental kit comes in handy, as you can have everything that you need to stay on top of your oral hygiene at the tips of your fingers. In this kit, you should have a toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, floss, bottle of water, and maybe even some sugar-free gum.

Tip #3: Stay Properly Hydrated

When traveling, it is especially important to remain properly hydrated, which means drinking lots of water. Drinking plenty of water will ensure that your mouth stays rinsed out, which will help to neutralize harmful acids that may be in the mouth from highly acidic foods. Water will also keep your mouth moist, which will prevent bad breath as well as dry mouth. So, bring along a few bottles of water from the house, and then fill them up for free at water fountains along your route.

To learn more about staying on top of your child's dental health during your vacation, contact a pediatric dental clinic like Dentistry For Children & Adolescents.
