Have your teeth gotten to the point where you feel the need to have them whitened? This is a job that is best left to a dentist. There are many techniques you can try from the comfort of your own home, but they should be avoided. Here are some common home whitening techniques and why you should not use them.

Baking Soda

You may have seen baking soda as a key ingredient in toothpastes that claim to whiten teeth, and this may cause you to believe that it makes sense to use this product for an at-home whitening technique. Unfortunately, baking soda can actually be bad for your teeth. Whitening toothpastes only use a small amount of baking soda, which is mainly because the material is abrasive and rubs against the teeth. If used excessively, it an cause the layer of enamel on your teeth wear away, making them more prone to sensitivity.

Hydrogen Peroxide

You may have heard of using hydrogen peroxide as either a mouthwash or antiseptic. While a diluted hydrogen peroxide rinse can help whiten your teeth over a long period of time, using too much too fast will cause problems. Never put hydrogen peroxide directly on your teeth, since it can cause sensitivity and harm the gum tissue surrounding your teeth. It could also be quite dangerous if you accidentally swallow some of the hydrogen peroxide.


Lemon juice may seem like it would be harmless, but it is very acidic. That is why it is commonly used to bleach hair. Similarly, the juice can whiten your teeth, but it will also cause damage to tooth enamel quite easily. Using it too much can actually cause tooth pain and sensitivity. Without the enamel layer, your teeth will be exposed to potential cavities.


Some people try using salt to whiten their teeth, as an alternative to using baking soda. Unfortunately, this material is just as abrasive and can cause damage in a similar way. While the salt itself breaks down faster than baking soda, making it a bit safer to use, it can easily cause damage if overused.

Your best bet for whitening your teeth will always be to visit a cosmetic dentist. They can provide a treatment in their office that they supervise, ensuring that the treatment is not overused and does not cause irritation to other soft tissue in your mouth.

For more information, visit sites such as http://www.accentdentalnwi.com/.
