If you have had braces at some point in your life, you probably relished in the fact that you would one day have perfect, straight teeth. In fact, that might have been what helped you get through the ordeal of wearing braces! Now that you are an adult, however, you might have found that your teeth aren't as straight as you had hoped they would be. Believe it or not, it is possible for your teeth to become crooked after you have had braces. These are some of the things that can cause this.

Improper Treatment

For one thing, if your braces were not done properly in the first place or if you did not wear them long enough, there is a chance that your teeth were not properly aligned. This could mean that you may need to seek orthodontic treatment as an adult so that you can straighten out your teeth.

Not Wearing Your Retainer

After you had your braces removed, your orthodontist might have recommended that you wear a retainer for a certain period of time afterward. Some people get so excited about not having their braces anymore -- and about having nice, straight teeth -- that they skip this step. However, not wearing your retainer can result in your teeth moving back out of place. If you have just had your braces removed, make sure that you follow your orthodontist's suggestions about your retainer if you would like to prevent this from happening.

Wisdom Teeth

Growing an extra set of molars in the back of your mouth is totally normal. Also, even though many people do have their wisdom teeth removed, it's not always necessary. For many people, however, failing to have your wisdom teeth removed can actually lead to alignment issues with the rest of your teeth. This is because your wisdom teeth can actually push your other teeth around, causing them to become crowded or crooked. If this has already happened, you may need to see an orthodontist to find out about orthodontic treatments that can help you straighten your teeth back out. If it has not yet happened but if you do have wisdom teeth, you may want to consider scheduling an appointment with your dental services professional so that you can have them removed. This can help prevent this from happening and can prevent other issues that go along with wisdom teeth, such as impacted teeth.
