Are you suffering from a severe toothache? Do you have a tooth missing? Is one of your crowns cracked? Whatever your dental problem is, you have been putting it off for months because you have severe anxiety about visiting the dentist. However, the longer you put off your dental treatment, the worse it is going to get. In fact, it could even cause more dental problems for you. So, it is time to make that appointment because there is an option for your fear: sedation dentistry. Here are three reasons you should consider it.

1. It Can Help Reduce (And Possibly Eliminate) Your Anxiety

When you undergo sedation at the dentist, your anxiety will often be no more—or at the very least, it will be minimal. You will finally be able to get the dental treatment that you have needed without having your regular fears of the dentist. You won't be sitting there sweating like a pig and anticipating each move the dental assistant and dentist is making. You will be relaxed throughout the entire visit.

2. It Can Keep You from Remembering the Procedure

For many people with a phobia of the dentist, they don't want to have to remember the dental visit at all. If you are one of those individuals, then sedation dentistry is right up your alley. When you wake up from sedation, you generally won't remember a thing. You often won't remember that the dentist or his or her assistant's hands or tools were ever in your mouth—other than the fact that your mouth may be a bit sore. You also won't remember the sound of the dental tools, which is often what frightens people the most about dental visits.

3. It Can Help Ensure Your Dental Treatment Is of Utmost Quality

During sedation, your saliva production will be reduced. While it may seem odd, this is actually a good thing for the dentist. This is because it helps speed up the process for him or her. As a result, the quality of your dentist's work will be much higher. Plus, due to the sedation, you won't be tempted to move your tongue around, which will improve the procedure and your dentist's work as well.

Overall, sedation dentistry gets two thumbs up. However, it is always a personal decision and a decision that needs to be made after speaking with your dentist. So, if you have been putting off much-needed dental treatment because of your fears, call a local dental office like Professional Dental Center to schedule a consultation to talk about sedation dentistry options.   
