Do you experience sharp pain that soon disappears when you bite down? If so, there are several things that might be the cause. When pain is an issue, most people avoid eating certain types of foods or only use one side of their mouth to chew. If you are one of them, you should not just ignore that pain simply because you're able to avoid chewing on that side. You should have it checked by a dentist. If your teeth are sensitive to pressure, here are a few things you need to know about the top causes of this issue:

Cracked Pain Syndrome

Cracked tooth syndrome is the most probable cause for pain when biting down. Some teeth do have cracks that don't cause pain, but it becomes a problem when there's consistent pain. Sometimes the crack is not visible at all, but when it is, it is usually a vertical hairline crack. Cracked tooth syndrome more often than not affects the lower molars, since they absorb most of the pressure when chewing.


  • You feel pain when you bite down or chew, with either intense of mild sensitivity. The pain disappears as soon as chewing stops.
  • The tooth might be temperature sensitive or sweet but only when the crack is wide enough for temperature or sweets to reach under your enamel.
  • You avoid chewing on one side or avoid eating certain foods.

Causes Of Cracked Tooth Syndrome

  • Bruxism- Grinding your teeth when you are asleep
  • Bad habits- Chewing on hard things like ice, hard candies and pencils
  • Trauma- A blow to your mouth
  • Fillings- A tooth with a large filling is prone to cracking

Gum Recession

Also known as gingival recession, gum recession is caused by aggressive brushing, abnormal tooth alignment, bruxism, poor oral hygiene or trauma to gum tissue. Gum recession causes dentin hypersensitivity and you can experience pain when chewing down, especially on hot, cold, sour or spicy food. Some symptoms are longer teeth, loose teeth, teeth sensitivity, and bleeding gums. 

Worn Enamel

Worn enamel is caused by bruxism, dry mouth, acid reflux, acidic medicines or low salivary flow. Foods or drinks with high acidity cause enamel erosion. Enamel erosion causes increased decay, tooth fracturing, sensitivity, discoloration, and shiny spots. Tooth sensitivity is the most common side effect, and this can cause you pain when you bite down.


Regardless of the reason for your pain, you should visit your dentist for a thorough evaluation. Your dentist will provide you with advice on how to treat your condition before it advances to a serious health condition.

Contact a local dental office for more information and assistance. 
