After dental surgery, one of your most important concerns will be how to deal with pain. If you are uncomfortable using prescription or over-the-counter pain medication, you may want to consider some natural options. As always, be sure to consult your oral surgeon if you have any significant pain or bleeding. The following are some natural pain relief methods you can use to ease your pain:

Tea Bags

Placing a tea bag on a painful area of the mouth can help relieve some pain. Tea contains tannin, which helps prevent bleeding. You will need to wet it completely before putting it in your mouth. Getting it soaking wet and place it near the painful area. Allow it to sit for as long as necessary until the symptoms decrease.

Clove Oil

Clove oil is a centuries-old pain relief method that many natural doctors still prescribe. You can find clove oil in any natural foods store. You can place a drop of the oil on your finger and rub it onto the affected area. It helps decrease the pain, but be prepared as it is quite strong in smell. It can also sting somewhat just after application.

Ice Therapy

When nothing else is helping your pain, give the old standby ice therapy a try. Ice is best for swelling, which is normal after oral surgery. It can also help dull the pain by numbing the area. Do not place any ice directly into your mouth, as you will still be sore. It can also disturb any stitches or orthodontia. Instead, place the ice pack on the outside of your mouth until you feel better.

Heat Therapy

Just like ice therapy, heat therapy can be very comforting as well. Heat is very soothing after a major oral surgery. You do not have to go out and purchase a heating pad; you can make your own very easily. You can use an empty water bottle and hot water. Put the water in the bottle, wrap it in a towel, and place it on the outside where you are experiencing pain. Allow the heat to remain on the area until it feels better. Do not let the water get too warm or you risk a burn to the face.

These ideas are some quick and basic things you can do to help relieve your oral pain. If you continue to experience pain, be sure to speak to your oral surgeon to make sure there is not a problem with healing. For more information, contact companies like Peak Family Dentistry & Orthodontics.
