If you need to replace a missing tooth, you may be having a hard time determining which tooth replacement options are suitable for you. Here are two dental services that are used to replace a lost tooth and the pros and cons associated with each one:

Implanted Tooth Replacements

Dental implants are placed in your jawbone and are made from titanium. Since it is a nonreactive metal, your body is not likely to reject it as a foreign substance. 

After their surgical insertion, dental implants heal into place and are then fitted with a connector and a dental crown. The crown, which is usually made from porcelain-over-metal or porcelain, is fitted to your mouth and colored to match your other remaining teeth. 

Here are the pros and cons of the procedure:

Pros of Dental Implants

  • Replaces even the root of the tooth
  • Does not require the alteration or damaging of other teeth
  • Encourages proper jawbone density through bone stimulation
  • Has a natural look and feel 
  • Can be used with other dental applications, such as implant-supported dentures, in the future
  • Can last a lifetime
  • Has a high success rate

Cons of Dental Implants

  • Process typically takes several months to complete
  • Sufficient jawbone is needed to support the implant if a zygomatic (cheekbone-based) implant is not used 

Fixed Bridges

Dental bridges that are fixed in the mouth are also common tooth replacements. The bridges are stabilized by their attachment to the underlying teeth that border the extraction site of the lost tooth. Each dental bridge is attached using bridge crowns that cover the underlying teeth and are bonded into place. The replacement tooth typically lies in the center of the bridge.

The false tooth or teeth and crowns of a dental bridge are usually made from porcelain or porcelain over metal. Like the crown of a dental implant, the bridge components are designed based on an impression of the oral cavity, so they fit the mouth precisely. Additionally, they are usually colored to match the level of whiteness of your other teeth.

Here are the pros and cons of a fixed dental bridge:

Pros of Fixed Bridges

  • Natural-looking results
  • Durability

Cons of Fixed Bridges

  • Does not stimulate the jawbone at the extraction site
  • Requires the permanent altering of the teeth on which the crowns will be fitted

If you are considering a tooth replacement, schedule an appointment with a local dentist to discuss the options that best suit your needs. 
