When it comes to straitening teeth, dental patients have another option besides just traditional braces nowadays. Invisalign, a relatively new technology, uses clear, removable aligners to straighten the teeth. While the convenience and transparency factors of Invisalign may seem to make them the obvious choice, it isn't necessarily the right choice for everyone. Here is a look at the use indications for both Invisalign and braces.


Traditional braces are made from metal brackets that are held together with wire and rubber bands. In some areas, the metal brackets may be colored to more closely match your enamel so they are not quite as obvious, but for the most part, they are typically metal-colored. Colored brackets cost more money than metal-colored brackets.


Invisalign consists of custom-made, invisible plastic trays that are removable. They work by gently and gradually shifting your teeth.

Both braces and Invisalign have pros and cons:

Treatment Time:

Traditional braces require an average of two years and require constant "wear" as they are non-removable. Invisalign requires the user to wear them for 22-24 hours per day, for anywhere from 6-24 months.


Both braces and Invisalign cost approximately $5,000-6,000, however the price can vary by region. Also, dental insurance may further reduce the price of metal braces. Your insurance carrier may also cover part of the cost of Invisalign, but not necessarily. You will want to consult with your insurance agent before deciding on your preferred treatment option to determine exactly what would be covered.

Maintenance: Teeth are brushed per usual with metal braces, although you won't be able to floss your teeth, so a water pick is useful to "power wash" any food that may become stuck in the teeth or braces. Invisalign requires their cleaning system which consists of a tub to soak them in for about 15 minutes each day with a special cleaner that removes plaque as well as brushing them. The cost of the cleaning system is not typically covered by insurance. Invisalign requires new trays ever two weeks and an orthodontist visit every month. Metal braces also require a monthly appointment.

Invisalign is not suitable for all situations. If the teeth need to be removed vertically, or of the back premolars or canine teeth need to rotate, traditional braces are required. Invisalign trays also need to be worn consistently to work. If you have a teenager who will not faithfully follow the regimen and keep them in their mouth for the 22-24 hours per day, you will just be wasting your money, and the teeth will not be fixed. 

For best results, discuss with your dentist or orthodontist, like one from Beck Pearce Dental, the pros and cons of each option and defer to his professional recommendation for the best choice for your situation.
