It is recommended that you take your child into the dentist 6 months after their first tooth has come in, or by the age of 2. This visit is going to be short and sweet, but is a great way to get your child used to going to the dentist. If your child starts going to the dentist from a young age, they are likely going to be much less afraid to go as they get older because it will simply be something that is routine and normal for them. Even though your child's first visit to the dentist is going to be quick, some important things take place that can help your child to have good dental health. This article will discuss 3 things that will take place at your child's first visit to the pediatric dentist. 

Their Teeth Will Be Examined And Brushed

When you first arrive at the pediatric dentist with your child, the two of you will be taken back to a dental chair. Your child will then sit down, and will often times be distracted by a movie that they can watch while their teeth are being looked at. The dentist will begin examining your child's mouth. They will be focusing on looking at your child's teeth and gums to make sure that they are healthy. They will then do a quick brushing on them to see if they are clean and being brushed properly. Since starting off with healthy teeth and gums is very important, this trip to the dentist can be very beneficial for your child. 

You Will Be Instructed On Brushing And Can Ask Questions

While the dentist has the tooth brush, they will show you all of the proper steps and methods for brushing your child's teeth. This can help you to see if you are currently brushing them properly, or if you need to make some modifications. Since you are the one that is completely in charge of your child's dental health, this information allows you to do the best job that you possibly can. Once the dentist has instructed you on brushing your child's teeth, you can then ask any and all questions that you may have. This may be a brushing question that wasn't covered or you may just want some tips for getting your child to allow you to brush their teeth properly.

Your Child Will Be Given A Prize 

At the end of your child's dental visit, they will most likely be given some kind of prize. This may be a toy or a sticker, but the main point of this is to reward your child for behaving properly at the pediatric dentist. This helps them to see that the dentist isn't a bad or scary place but is somewhere that can be fun. 

Check out the site of a local dentist to learn more.
