A very exciting time for someone that wears braces will be the day that those braces finally come off. If that day is coming up, you'll be able to show off your new smile and have added confidence. That said, the process isn't done with once the braces come off, since some work needs to be done to make sure your teeth don't go back to how they once were.

The Impact of Braces on Oral Health

While braces are often used to straighten teeth, they actually help you maintain good oral health. Teeth crowding, overbites, and underbites can all cause problems with eating and speaking, as well as potential facial disfigurement. Another problem that poorly aligned teeth can cause is dental decay, since food can become stuck between teeth in ways that are hard to clean.

That's why the first thing your dentist will do after removing the braces is polish your teeth. The goal is to remove any of the residual dental cement that is still on them. They will also fit your teeth for a retainer that will keep all of your teeth properly aligned until everything has fully stabilized. Your dentist will let you know how long a retainer needs to be worn, since it could be just overnight or all day long until further notice.

The Different Kinds of Retainers

There are two kinds of retainers that your dentist could have you fitted for.

Overlay Retainer

An overlay retainer is created by making impressions of your upper and lower teeth. This is used to create a mold constructed with acrylic materials, which forms an overlay designed to fit perfectly over the teeth. This is the kind of retainer that is worn overnight, though it could be required to be worn all day until further notice.

Permanent Wire Retainer

A permanent wire retainer is actually cemented on the rear side of the teeth. It will stay there for the period that your dentist recommends and is ideal for anybody who had a large gap closed or severely misaligned teeth. This type of retainer can be difficult to clean and involves special care to ensure that it doesn't break when eating hard foods.

Always be sure to follow your dentist's instructions when it comes to how you need to wear a retainer. You'll be making additional visits to look at your teeth, and eventually your dentist will decide that you do not need to wear a retainer anymore. Definitely don't skip these visits, as it is the best way to ensure that your teeth are not slipping back into their old position.

For more information, contact professionals like Benjamin D Hull DDS.
