Are you tired of your crooked teeth? Have you always wanted a more beautiful smile? Whether you are in your teen years or are an adult, braces are a safe and effective option when it comes to teeth straightening.

Before Getting Braces

Getting braces is a big decision, one that will require you to properly care for your teeth for several months or even a few years. Braces aren't usually a one-size fits all type of solution, so your first step should be consulting with an orthodontist to see what type of braces will best work for you. If you are allergic to certain materials such as latex or metals such as nickel that is sometimes used in braces, you will need to let the orthodontist know. For the best results, you should stay with the same orthodontist for the duration of the treatment.

Wearing Braces

Again all brace-wearers are different, but it is common to have to wear braces anywhere from 18 months until two years. While wearing braces, you will need to brush your teeth after each meal so that food doesn't get stuck in the brackets which leads to tooth decay and bad breath. It is also a good idea to floss them, which can be done with a special floss threader. While wearing braces, you should avoid eating certain foods. Not only do they get stuck in the brackets but they can cause damage as well. Some foods to avoid include:

  • Popcorn
  • Chewing gum and sticky candy
  • Ice

The most painful part about wearing braces is getting them tightened. This usually occurs every four to five weeks during regular orthodontic checkups. In order to help alleviate the pain, take an over-the-counter pain reliever a couple of hours before the appointment. After getting them tightened, ice cream and other cold foods can help numb the pain.

Getting Braces Removed

Finally getting your braces off can be a wonderful feeling. You will want to be flashing your brand new smile and posting numerous selfies for everyone to see. The only downside is you will need to wear a retainer to ensure the teeth stay in their new position. Thankfully, most retainers need only be worn at night. Another option is to get a permanent retainer that gets placed behind the teeth.

Most people who have had braces are glad they did it. While there is some discomfort involved, getting braces is usually worth the pain and the patience it requires to wear them. If you are ready to get braces, click here for more information.
