If you are missing numerous teeth or have dental issues that may require multiple tooth extractions, dentures can fulfill the function of natural teeth. If your dentist has recommended dentures, you may wonder what the process entails. Continue reading to learn more about what you can expect when getting dentures.

Preparing for Dentures

Getting a set of dentures requires time and several visits to your dentist. Before getting a permanent set of dentures, it may be necessary to extract teeth. The gums then need to be left alone so they can shrink for several months. During this time period, you will most likely be provided with a temporary pair of dentures to wear. Temporary dentures may not have a perfect fit, as the shape of the gums and jaw bone can change, but you'll only have to wear them for a few months. When it is time to get your permanent dentures, a custom mold of your mouth and gums will be made to ensure that your dentures fit as well as possible.

Adjusting to Dentures

While dentures are custom made for each patient, it can take some time to get used to wearing them, speaking with them in, and eating. Most people adjust quickly and can wear their dentures comfortably. If you have had your permanent set of dentures for several weeks and are experiencing discomfort, pain, or difficulty eating, you should return to your dentist to have your dentures adjusted and refitted.Your dentist will work with you to ensure that your dentures are as comfortable as possible and easy to wear.

Caring for your Dentures

Dentures should be removed from the mouth each evening before going to bed. In order to prevent dropping and breaking your dentures when taking them out, it is a good idea to remove them over a sink full of water or a folded up towel.

Like natural teeth, dentures need to be brushed, but you should avoid using toothpaste as it is too abrasive and can cause damage to the dentures. You can use either a soft bristled toothbrush or a special brush designed for dentures to brush them daily. After brushing your dentures, use a denture cleanser to clean and disinfect them. In addition to daily brushing and cleaning, it is also a good idea to rinse your dentures after each meal.

When you remove your dentures, it is important to keep them moist so they can retain their shape. It is recommended that you store your dentures in a denture soaking solution, but you can also store them in plain water if needed.
