If you are involved in any activities that can put your teeth at more of a risk of injury than normal, then you want to make sure you are very familiar with dental first aid. You also want to educate yourself on extra steps you can take to prevent your teeth from being damaged. The information provided here will help to lessen your chances of incurring a tooth injury and help you to properly treat one if something does happen.

Keep a dental emergency first aid kit with you

The most important thing you can do when it comes to being ready for any dental emergency is to make a first aid kit and make sure you have it on hand when you are going to be participating in certain activities, such as playing contact sports, skateboarding or doing those other risky activities.

Your kit should include a bottle of fresh water, a plastic sealable baggie, sterile gauze, tweezers, an instant ice pack and a few clean rags. These items should be kept in a small, waterproof bag that's easy for you to fit in your sports bag or backpack that you take with you.

Wear a proper mouth guard

One of the most important things you can do to protect your teeth from becoming injured in the first place is to wear a mouth guard that's of the highest quality. You want to go directly to the dentist for a mouth guard, rather than getting one from a sporting supply store. This way, you can be sure it fits correctly and is made of the best material.

What to do if you chip a tooth

If you happen to chip one or more of your teeth, then you should try to gather the chipped pieces if you can find them. Put them in a plastic baggie to bring with you to see your dentist. If you are experiencing pain, then you can use some over-the-counter pain reliever and an instant ice pack for relief.

What to do if you knock one of your teeth loose

If you hit a tooth so hard that it becomes loose, you want to be extremely careful with it until you can get in to see your dentist. Treat pain with a pain reliever and an instant ice pack. Make sure you do everything you can to keep the tooth from moving. Don't touch it with your tongue and try not to eat foods that cause pressure to be put on the tooth. It's important to get to the dentist quickly so there is an increased chance of the tooth being saved.

What to do if you knock a tooth out

If you knock a tooth out, then you want to pick it up carefully, trying not to touch the root. Rinse it off with your own spit; since your spit is a part of the tooth and root's natural environment, this is the best option. If you can, insert the tooth back in the socket and get to the dentist ASAP. If you can't put it in the socket, keep it in a puddle of your spit in a plastic baggie until you can get in for emergency dental treatment.

Now that you know more about dealing with dental emergencies, you have a better chance of keeping all your teeth in good condition.

For more tips and information, visit your local dental clinic, such as Dental Associates PC.
