If you are planning on getting braces, then you probably want to know everything that you can before making such a big decision. After all, there are many different types of braces, so you don't want to commit to an option that isn't ideal for you. To help you out, here is an overview of the major styles of braces:

Traditional Metal

Your first and most common option is a set of traditional metal braces. These are pretty obvious whenever you smile, but they are quite effective and much cheaper than other options. If you are on a budget or don't particularly care about whether or not your braces are visible, then this is probably going to be your best bet.


Next you have ceramic braces, which are fairly similar to traditional metal braces in their structure. However, they are made of ceramic, which means that they are quite durable and excellent at moving your teeth. The biggest benefit of ceramic braces is often the fact that they are pretty hard to see at a glance. Of course, this does come at a high cost, both in terms of money and the possibility that you can stain the braces if you drink too much coffee. If you do get ceramic braces, then you need to keep an eye on what you eat and drink, since it can be harder to clean the stains off of braces than your regular teeth, since braces have such an irregular shape.


Although these are also made out of metal, they are practically invisible when compared to traditional metal braces. This is mainly because lingual braces are on the inside of your teeth rather than the outside. Unfortunately, this does make it harder for your dentist to work on them, which might elongate your adjustment visits by quite a bit. On top of that, lingual braces are often difficult to clean, which could lead to food getting trapped there for prolonged periods, which can lead to additional dental problems if you are not vigilant in your dental care.


Lastly, you have clear braces, which are often made of a type of plastic. This lends itself to a unique variety of advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, clear braces are almost entirely invisible and can actually be removed whenever you want. As long as they stay in your mouth for the vast majority of the day, you can take them off whenever you feel uncomfortable. On the downside, clear braces take a lot longer to work than metals and ceramics, which means that you will spend a longer amount time with braces in your mouth.

Finally, clear braces have a very different adjustment process when compared to other options. You will be given a number of gradually different clear braces which are meant to be worn for several weeks each. As you gradually go through all of your disposable braces, your teeth will eventually shift to their final position. You will need to visit your dentist regularly to make sure that everything is going smoothly and to take measurements for your next series of braces. For more information about braces, contact a dental office, such as Fayetteville Family Dentistry.   
