Did your teenager get their tooth knocked out and you weren't able to get the tooth back in to reattach to the root? If so, you may be looking at tooth replacement options, and you should consider permanent dental implants.

The dental professional will have to look at your teen's mouth, their age, and the bone density to see if they qualify for implants. They may have to graft some bone to the area to support the implant, or wait for the child to get older, but a temporary option can be used. Here are a few reasons why you want to explore dental implants.

Choose the Healthiest Option

Dental implants are the healthiest items you can use for tooth replacement in the mouth, other than your natural teeth. Your teen can brush their teeth, floss the gums, and rinse without any problems to preserve their oral health. The implants don't come out, so you don't have to worry about the gum tissue being exposed and susceptible to bacteria, and there aren't any components rubbing and wearing against the gum tissue.  

Make the Best Investment

Dental implants have a 98 percent success rate, and can last in the mouth for your teen's entire life if they take care of them properly over time. That means the implant can be a once in a lifetime investment, and they won't have to worry about cavities or other replacement options. Getting them an implant is investing in something for their future.

Make Things Easier

Your teen doesn't have to remove an implant daily to clean it or soak it, and doesn't have to worry about it coming loose if they wear a mouthguard for sports. With some replacement teeth or dentures, your teen may have a lot of maintenance to do. They don't have to worry about visible metal that can be embarrassing either.

Your teen will feel like they have their natural smile restored if you get a permanent dental implant put in the mouth, instead of something that isn't fused into place. Talk with the dentist or an oral health professional that works with implants, to see if your teen is old enough to have the implant. You don't want your child to struggle with tooth maintenance and oral care for a lifetime because they are wearing partial dentures, have a flipper or any other non-permanent replacement option. Contact Hartman Gary DDS MS Limited for more information.
