If your child sucks on their thumb, they are not alone. Most children suck their thumb in their first year of life, making it an extremely natural behavior. While this habit is often harmless, it can cause an improper bite if continued too long. This is especially true if your child sucks their thumb vigorously or is starting to get permanent teeth. To learn how to help your child to stop sucking on their thumb, keep reading. Here you will learn clever techniques parents have used to kick their child's thumb sucking habit.

Talk To Your Child

The first step in kicking your child's thumb sucking habit is to have a talk with them about it. Don't criticize your child for their thumb sucking, but do try to encourage them to quit the habit themselves. Below are some ways you can do this:

  • Encourage your child to be a "big kid": If your child is 5 or older, they will likely enjoy praise about how old they've gotten and how much they've grown up. So to help your child to quit sucking on their thumb, use this to your advantage. Tell your child that one way to become a "big kid" is to stop sucking on their thumb. Praise them when you see that they haven't sucked on their thumb for a while.
  • Go to a pediatric dentist: Your dentist will be able to talk with your child about thumb sucking and how it affects their teeth. They may even help you implement a rewards system to keep your child from sucking on their thumb.

Use Reminders 

If you successfully motivate your child to kick their thumb sucking habit, you will next have to find ways to remind them not to do it. Luckily, there are many ways you can do this. Below are some to try:

  • Put bandages or finger puppets on their thumbs: This way, your child will remember not to suck on their thumb when they see the bandage or finger puppet. If you use bandages, make sure to use kid-friendly ones. For example, you may try ones with cartoon characters or fun designs.
  • Make a sticker chart: Give your child a sticker for each day they go without thumb sucking. Tell them that if they earn a certain amount of stickers, they will get a prize. Before doing this, it is important to ask them what kind of prize they would like. Then tell them how many stickers they will need to earn to get the prize.

If you follow the tips in this article, your child will have a much easier time quitting their thumb sucking habit. The best part is, you will be helping to keep their pearly whites healthy.

For more information, contact Children's Dental Center Of Central Iowa PLC or a similar location.
