When you become a new patient of a dentist, the first step in the process is to undergo an initial dental exam. During this procedure, the dentist will ask you questions about your oral health and whether you have any special conditions that are relevant. This article examines some health concerns you need to discuss with your dentist at the time of your exam.


If you have diabetes, make sure that you inform the dentist. The link between diabetes and an increased risk for gum disease is well-established, according to WebMD. Diabetes causes your blood vessels to thicken, which interferes with their proper functioning and weakens your resistance to oral infections. Also, if your diabetes is not under control, your high glucose levels create an environment where oral bacteria will flourish.


Tell your dentist about all of the medications you are currently taking. In some cases, a medication that is not directly related to oral issues can impact your dental health. For example, a number of drugs used to treat depression and anxiety cause dry mouth as a side effect. Dry mouth, in turn, increases your risk of tooth decay because saliva helps protect your teeth and gums from bacteria. Your dentist may advise you to drink more water and refrain from using alcohol or tobacco products to minimize the risk.


Arthritis may also have important implications for your oral health. If you have arthritis in your hands, for instance, brushing your teeth becomes painful. You dentist might suggest using a toothbrush with a bigger handle, so that you can maneuver the brush more easily. Alternatively, he might recommend using an electric toothbrush. Also, some scientific studies show that people with rheumatoid arthritis are more likely to develop gum disease.


Your diet also has a profound impact on your dental health, so talk with your dentist about your eating habits. He may advise you to make certain changes to your diet, such as eating more cheese and drinking more milk. If you are eating a lot of sweets or drinking a large amount of soda or coffee, the dentist will probably recommend that you reduce your consumption of these foods and liquids.

Your dental exam gives you the chance to discuss a variety of conditions and lifestyle habits that may have a significant impact on your oral health. Take advantage of this opportunity to talk with your dentist about any factors that might have a negative effect on your teeth and gums. If you're looking for a reputable dentist in your area, visit Dr. Dean Simmons DDS PA.
